For advice on dealing with the humans in your life

For advice on dealing with the humans in your life. What if you sent in a question to

Sunday, October 3, 2010

What if I did?

'Cause I think it would be fun to spend all day having opinions about other peoples' relationships. For reals. This is probably one of those things that only seem like a really great idea at 3:44am, which is to say, one of the only things worth doing. My predicted attention span for this is about a month, but it could be years! Maybe for the rest of my life! You never know when your true vocation is going to come dropping out of the sky at 3:46am.

This is just practice for me, y'all, 'cause I don't have any sort of qualifications except that I think people are crazy awesome and I could spend all day trying to figure them out. So if you send me a question, you're really being very nice to me and I'll try to be nice back and say something useful. And if I get shit wrong, you could TOTALLY correct me in the comments and we could have that thing the kids used to call a 'flame war' and I think that's supposed to be fun too.

This is for questions about all your relationships--not just the ones that have to do with sex. Ask here about dealing with parents, friends, bosses, coworkers, acquaintances, imaginary companions. I will answer all the questions I can. If I ever say something smart you should tweet about it to everyone you know. Otherwise, you know, keep it to yourself, 'kay? I didn't come here to be ridiculed.

unless I did. That part is sort of confusing at 3:49am.

Just...send questions to and we'll see what happens!

Thanks y'all.

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